Why Are My Visitors Not Converting? HELP!

A question which if we had the answers too we would all be rolling in the money around about now! There is nothing more frustrating than spending a lot of time, effort and money on a professional web design and then not getting the traffic you require in order to convert.

The most stunning web design in the world wouldn’t bring visitors to your site; you need each page of your website optimising before traffic will come flooding in!

Brick technology has a dedicated team in place who from the initial design stage right the way through to launch we ensure your website pages are fully optimised. After launch our internet marketing team can ensure that you are visible within the search engines.

We have our top four tips for getting that all important conversion!

1.   Keyword or phrase links to a irrelevant landing page

This is the one that more often than not goes unnoticed when people are left wondering why their web design is not converting visitors into customers.

It is all well and good researching and coming up with a list of keywords and phrases which are perfect but you need to make sure that the keywords are pointing to the right place and not just to your homepage.

If I type in Google “Internet Marketing in Blackburn” I want to be taken for instance to Brick technology but not just dumped on the homepage; I want to be lead directly into the Internet Marketing page and then told what to do which leads to the next point.

2.   Call To Action

This is another extremely necessary item which needs to be implemented carefully into your web design. You need to have a clear and concise call to action where you explicitly tell visitors to your website what to do.

Try and not be too technical in your terminology but keep it simple and that way your message will get across to a visitor better. The idea is to tell them what it is you want them to do and then explicitly tell them how to do it. Say for example we wanted people to clean up their email and get some branded outlook stationary we would tell them something like below and then tell them how they get it,

“Get Free Outlook Stationary call Brick technology on 01254 277190 or fill out our online form”

3.   Homepage has little or no content and becomes a exit page

This is where web design really comes into play! The homepage has to summarise what the business or company is about, it needs to be informative as well as look pleasing to the eye. It is the homepage which needs to easily show where else on the site visitors should go.

In reality if there is a homepage with little content and I do not really know what the company does after ten seconds or so then I am off – I assume it isn’t what I am looking for and I am not about to start searching around for information when I can get is instantly elsewhere.

4.   There is more personality in a wooden board!

This is one of the battles we face regularly at Brick technology, take for instance one of our clients who specialises in building and construction materials. There would seem to be nothing exciting about this however, what most other sites lack is personality.

Ask yourself if you were to go onto your own website can you see some personality? Is there a personal touch which people can relate to and most importantly feel safe and secure enough to want to hand their hard earned money over?

About Us” pages are a great way of introducing your company and who founded it along with some history behind it. This is great for people to be able to relate to and put a face to a name.

Another way in which people add personality to a website is through customer testimonials. People do business with people and therefore if they see positive feedback from other happy customers they are more inclined to purchase and thus a visitor will convert!

Social network buttons can be added to your site and these too work to add personality and help you keep in touch with your customers on a more personal level as well as providing them with an extra avenue to keep in touch with you.

These are our top four tips which Brick technology web design always sticks too and we have many success stories of businesses that are now turning over millions. If you want to help your visitors to convert into a sale then check your site and ensure it follows our top tips or alternatively contact Brick technology and we can help you in regards to your web design and offer internet marketing services to you along with media production too!

Call us today for a no obligation consultation on 01254 277190 or email info@brickweb.co.uk.

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