Time to Replatform your eCommerce Website?

Time to Replatform your eCommerce Website?

The rise and rise (and rise!) of eCommerce has given retailers and brands countless opportunities to gain new customers, increase conversions and ultimately make significant profits. But with so many competitors, from other SMEs to giants like eBay and Amazon, it's never been more important to have a strong eCommerce website and marketing strategy.

If a brand is to succeed in this crowded market, it must consider every aspect of the customer journey and deliver exceptional user experience. By analysing customer behaviour, personalising experiences and interacting with customers to really understand their wants, needs and feelings, brands can achieve and build on their success.

Too many online retailers do not seem to understand that a modern, seamlessly-functioning website and the implementation of good marketing strategies are inextricably linked; one is useless without the other. Strong marketing strategies that drive traffic to a poor website will not result in increased conversions while a world-class website is useless if traffic is not driven to it.

Rebuilding and replatforming eCommerce websites represents an investment in terms of both time and money. This can make brands reluctant to do so, even if the website is clearly the weak link in an effective marketing strategy. The reluctance can mean delays in commencing with replatforming, resulting in missed opportunities and allowing competitors to gain crucial ground and increase their market share.

A well-planned and carefully considered replatform provides brands with the ideal opportunity to optimise each and every touchpoint in the customer journey, from product discovery to checkout and everything in between.

A key factor that drives the success of eCommerce websites is site speed. How quickly or slowly a website loads has direct impacts on brand reputation, bounce rate, dwell time and more. Site speed is also a confirmed Google ranking factor; slow websites are penalised with lower ranking on search engine results pages. Replatforming an eCommerce website allows for complete optimisation of site speed.

With over two decades of experience at the cutting edge of online technology, Brickweb is ideally placed to help your brand rebuild and replatform your website. We invite you to find out more about our comprehensive, modern suite of services and solutions and to begin your journey with an audit of your current website provided free of charge with our compliments.

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