Search Engine Optimisation: How Does YOUR Website Rank?

Search Engine Optimisation: How Does YOUR Website Rank?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has been around for many years but continues to grow and evolve. Here we look at some important SEO trends and tips for 2019..

  • Understand your Audience. Getting to know your audience as well as possible becomes ever more important. It's essential to figure out what an internet user is expecting when they search for a word or phrase and respond to this in the most appropriate manner. 
  • Mobile First. Despite the meteoric growth in the use of mobile devices, a startling number of websites are still not optimised for mobile. Since March last year, Google has been migrating sites to 'mobile-first' index, meaning that the search engine uses the mobile version of any given page for indexing and ranking.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR). Targeting keywords that have a high chance of producing low CTR should be avoided. Google's Instant Answers can display information directly in search results so avoid keywords that have 'easy' answers.
  • Loading Speed. A website which is slow to load frustrates the visitor, who may well decide that five seconds of waiting is four seconds too many. Websites with poor loading speeds will be ranked lower in search engine results.
  • Brand Credibility. Internet users trust that the first few listings generated by a Google search are from reputable companies. The lower your ranking, the less people trust your business. Intelligent SEO will thus improve your brand and ultimately have a positive effect on conversion.

Brick Technology offer a world-class array of SEO solutions to a wide, diverse and ever-growing number of clients both national and international. To discover some of these, check out the 'SEO Plans & Add-ons' page of our website, where you can also order a detailed SEO report absolutely free, with our compliments.

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