Print on Demand: Join the Brick Factory Revolution!

In the modern e-commerce landscape, there is a growing tendency towards perso­nali­sation: e-commerce websites are increasingly seeking to provide a personalised experience to their users. Personalisation is a trend that extends beyond the online experience itself, with a massive and ever-growing number of consumers also choosing to purchase unique, customised products.

This demand is being met by a rising number of companies offering custom-printed goods, making this sector the subject of fierce competition. Managing a print on demand company can be a complex, time-consuming process, involving myriad logistics that together present plenty of potential pitfalls. To help these companies to succeed in such a difficult, competitive environment, leading e-commerce development agency Brickweb has created The Brick Factory, a turnkey solution for print on demand providers. 

As a cloud-based portal, The Brick Factory requires no installation of software and can be accessed 24 hours a day, in real time, from any internet-enabled device. Each user has access to a simple yet ultra-powerful control centre, which permits them to manage each and every aspect of their custom merchandising operation from product design to order fulfillment and every step in between. 

The Brick Factory represents a revolutionary step forward in business process automation. A custom Factory Dashboard and order processing system offers at-a-glance information about each individual product and process workflow so you can stay on top of orders, with critical alerts clearly shown when required. 

We have designed The Brick Factory with versatility firmly in mind and so it can be seamlessly integrated with major e-commerce marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, TikTok, WooCommerce, WordPress, SquareSpace and many more, as well as with unique stores. It can also be integrated with accounting systems such as SAGE and QuickBooks, giving you complete control over the financial aspects of your operation. 

Your store can be populated with thousands of products from supplier databases and The Brick Factory also features a state-of-the-art Designer Module to allow you or your customers to design unique products from scratch. Purchased products are delivered to customers quickly and securely thanks to The Brick Factory's drop-shipping service, which can be integrated with major shipping providers like EasyPost, DPD, Royal Mail, Amazon and more. With multi-language and multi-currency support, you can supply products to customers located anywhere in the world. 

These are just some of the many features that The Brick Factory has to offer and there is so much more to learn. The best way to discover the true extent and power of The Brick Factory is to experience it for yourself so why not book a demonstration. Provided without charge or obligation, the demo will take approximately one hour and could be the start of a true revolution for your print on demand business. 

Get in touch with our team and book YOUR demo of The Brick Factory today!

Posted in Blog, The Brick Factory and tagged print on demand on