Top Three Technology Trends For 2012

For many 2012 is about staying one step ahead and keeping up with the latest trends. Brick technology web design are encouraging our customers as well as others to get a mobile apps or a mobile website as we feel these are going to be in high demand as more and more purchases of mobile devices are made.

Mobile apps and mobile websites are one thing but our top three technology trends for 2012 that we think the consumer will go crazy over are:

TV’s which have internet...

Recently this has been the craze following Christmas and it has been found that television and the internet simply go together.  Although this has been attempted in the past it has never really took off until now. Sony and Samsung are showing that it is going to be them who will determine how we will consumer television over the next decade but it would seem already that every new TV on sales has the capability of connecting to the internet.

We have heard rumours that Apple will be launching its own range of Internet Televisions in 2012.

3D Printing...

This is something which I, Hannah Pearson as the Editor of Brick technology have been reading a lot about in the news. It is something that I haven’t quite got my head around but yet I am amazed.

Basically the 3D printer will allow anyone to take a digital design and manufacture almost any object right from the comfort of their homes. It will offer the customer personalised goods and as 3D printing becomes more and more affordable in 2012 it is something which we will no doubt see more frequently in electronic stores.

Brand New User Interfaces

In the last few years there have been massive changes and whereas we used to have a computer consisting of a keyboard, mouse and a screen we have been introduced to iPads, smartphones and tablets. It has become apparent that touch in the form of touch screen technology is the new way to use such technology.

Other forms of technology do not even require touch, they will go off your gestures and sounds such as the Microsoft’s Kinect and an older device known as Eyecam. Most recently the new iPhone 4gS launched with Siri voice assistant which has completely changed the way we choose to use technology.

Throughout 2012 keep an eye out for many new interfaces and how they completely revolutionise technology. Also whilst you are out in an electrical store take a look around at just how many Internet TV’s there are and if you can see any 3D printers from the leading name brands.

We haven’t just predicted the wildest of technology trends for 2012 but we know that these technologies are going to take off.

What do you think?

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