Esoteric E-Commerce and Cyberspace Coteries...

Esoteric E-Commerce and Cyberspace Coteries...

Do you know what the word 'esoteric' means? The dictionary definition of this unusual word is: 'Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.' It seems more than a little ironic that the word 'esoteric' is itself esoteric!

Another interesting fact about this word it that the letters can be rearranged to spell 'coteries'. And what does 'coteries' mean? 'Small groups of people with shared interests, especially ones that are exclusive of other people'. Coincidence? Maybe.

The paragraphs you have just read are the preamble to this edition of the Brickweb blog, which is going to be all about cutting right through jargon and obscure language, both of which are still defining features of the modern internet experience. We firmly believe that this shouldn't be the case and that's why we have put together a number of comprehensive lists that you can freely use to shed much-needed light and clarity on your e-commerce experience. 

Here we present some highlights from the list. The writing is on the wall and that wall is, of course, made of B-R-I-C-K. 
B is for...

  • Backlink. When another website has a link to your website, this is known as a 'backlink'. The more of these that there are, the higher your own website will rank on search engines. 
  • Boolean Search. An internet search may be quite simple; for example, you may search for 'jobs' or 'London'. A Boolean search is more advanced and links two concepts together using one of three words: AND, OR, NOT. This can more accurately describe what you're trying to find; for example 'jobs AND London'. Named after George Boole, a 19th century mathematician. 

R is for...

  • RFI. Stands for 'Request For Information'. If a cardholder or card issuer needs further information about a transaction, they can make an RFI to obtain it. 
  • RAM. Stands for 'Random Access Memory'. This allows a computer to run software. Unlike the memory on which things like photos, documents and music are stored, RAM is not permanent and all data stored on it is lost when the computer is switched off, freeing it up for new tasks next time.

I is for...

  • Intranet. A network that uses internet servers and software. Unlike the internet, an intranet network is private and can  only be used by those who have been granted access. Often used to allow internal communications between a company's staff members. Intranet networks are, we're sorry to say, esoteric coteries!
  • IP Address. 'IP' stands for 'Internet Protocol'. Every system that connects to the internet has its own IP address made up of a unique sequence of numbers. For convenience, a website is usually referred to by its domain name but it is the IP address that holds its actual location on the web. 

C is for...

  • Conversion Rate. The percentage of clicks made by visitors to your website that actually generate leads and/or sales. 
  • CNP. Stands for 'Cardholder Not Present'. This a when a transaction is made using a credit or debit card in a remote way, such as when a purchase is made online or over the telephone. 

K is for...

  • Keyword/­Keyphrase. The word or series of words put into a search engine when searching for a particular thing. It is crucial that owners and operators of e-commerce websites identify the keywords and keyphrases most often used by the potential customers they want to attract, which will provide a clear focus for their website content.  

The definitions above represent just a tiny fraction of the many often-confusing terms you will regularly encounter in your e-commerce journey online. Browse the glossaries on our website to discover hundreds more. Still confused? Our team can help you so don't hesitate to give us a call.

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