Digital Marketing: What's YOUR Strategy?

Before the advent of the internet, advertising products and services took place in print, on the radio and on television. Though these traditional marketing channels are still very much in existence, they have been entirely stripped of their former dominance by online channels. 

The number of people online grows exponentially with every passing day; if you don't have a digital marketing strategy, you're missing out on the vast majority of your potential customers. A recent survey of marketers carried out by Nielsen revealed that 62% of respondents reported that spending on digital advertising was either very effective of extremely effective for them. 

One of the key reasons that digital marketing is so effective compared to the aforementioned traditional techniques is that the results are so much clearer. Advertising on the radio, on television or through print in newspapers or flyers is like casting a massive, extremely costly net into an unknown ocean. No matter how well-crafted the advertisement, you have no way of really knowing who it has reached or what effect it has had on them.

Digital marketing is the polar opposite. E-commerce development agencies like Brickweb can use powerful analytics tools that show precisely how many people your campaign has reached, how many of those people engaged with your company as a direct result and how many of THOSE people made a purchase. This unprecedented access to exact statistics shows the direct, real-time impact a campaign has had, helping you to develop new, better strategies in the future.

Digital marketing can take many forms. Here are three of the most important:

  • Social Media. Forbes estimates that almost five billion people use social media worldwide and predicts that this number will rise to nearly six billion by 2027. Creating accounts on the many available platforms is absolutely free, giving you an instant opportunity to share your brand and its content. You can take things to the next level by utilising paid advertising on social media platforms, ensuring that you can target you campaigns to your intended audience.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Billions of queries are made on search engines every day and it's only the e-commerce websites that make the front page of the search results that get noticed. When was the last time you made it to page two of the search results? SEO has become an extremely complicated process and that's why you need an expert team like Brickweb to help you. A far cry from the early days of the internet when all you had to do was stuff your website with keywords, SEO now encompasses multiple aspects including technical, on-page­/off-page, mobile, keyword research, link building and copywriting.
  • Email. Though it may seem incredibly old-fashioned as compared to more recent techniques, the fact is that email marketing is still just as powerful as it always has been. Statista estimates that around 347 billion emails are sent every day and projects that by 2025 this number will rise to 376 billion. Data from Forbes shows that, on average, each US$1 (81p) invested in email marketing campaigns generates a return of US$36 (over £29). 

Brickweb can help guide you through the complex, fast-paced and always-changing landscape that is digital marketing. Browse our website to find out more about what we do and get in touch with our team to start your journey to success.

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